When Is Respite Care Necessary?

Providing support and care to a loved one can be deeply fulfilling, but it can also be emotionally and physically demanding. This is especially true as the patient’s health declines and they become more dependent. Respite care may be the best option for the patient...

When Should You Consider Having a Cognitive Screening?

As we age, it’s not uncommon for our cognitive abilities to gradually decline. However, for some individuals, this process can be more rapid and significant. It may indicate an underlying condition like dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. When a person...

Deep Dive on Respiratory Therapy and Its Benefits

We understand how challenging it is to care for individuals suffering from dementia and other debilitating conditions. Respiratory therapy is one of the essential services we offer that’s tailored toward improving our patients’ overall health and quality...

Spring Activities for People With Dementia and Memory Loss

As spring ushers in sunnier days and warmer temperatures, enjoying the outdoors can be soothing for loved ones with dementia and memory loss. Here are some fun activities that caregivers can plan to offer a change of pace, cognitive stimulation and mood-boosting...